Top ranking engineering colleges, universities for MS, Ph.D in computer science, electrical, mechanical, chemical in the USA - College, University List
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Top Engineering Colleges, Tech Schools in USA

Engineering Colleges, universities and graduate schools in United States of America. MS, Ph.D. in engineering with specialization in computer science, mechanical, electrical, chemical, electronics and communication engineering.

  1. MIT School of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    Offers graduate programs in Engineering in Technology with specialization in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computation for Design and Optimization, Computational and Systems Biology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Engineering Systems, Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, Leaders for Global Operations, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Polymer Science and Technology, and System Design and Management. The school is ranked amongst top 3 in most of the programs that it offers.

  2. Stanford University School of Engineering (CA)
    The School of Engineering at Stanford has the following nine departments. Aeronautics and Astronautics, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Management Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. Ranked among the top 3 in many of the departments for its Masters programs.

  3. COE, University of California, Berkeley
    College of Engineering or Berkely Engineering offers MS and Ph.D in the following disciplines : Bioengineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Engineering.

  4. College of Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
    The College of Engineering offers Masters (Master of Science) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the following areas : Aerospace Engineering; Agricultural & Biological Engineering; Bioengineering; Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Civil & Environmental Engineering (including joint Master of Architecture and Master of Science, joint Master of Business Administration and Master of Science); Computer Science; Electrical & Computer Engineering; Financial Engineering; Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering; Materials Science & Engineering; Mechanical Sciences & Engineering; Nuclear, Plasma, & Radiological Engineering; Physics.

  5. Georgia Technology College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
    The College of Engineering at GA Tech offers Master of Science in disciplines ranging from Aerospace Engineering, Bioengineering, Computational Science and Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Enterprise Transformation, Environmental Engineering, Health Systems, International Logistics, Materials Science and Engineering, Medical Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Paper Science and Engineering, Quantitative and Computational Finance, to Supply Chain Engineering.

  6. Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
    Caltech has the following departments offering Graduate program leading to a Masters degree in the field of engineering : Aerospace, Applied Physics & Materials Science, Bioengineering, Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science & Engineering, and Mechanical & Civil Engineering.

  7. University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering, Los Angeles, CA
    Located in LA, California, USC Viterbi offers Masters degree programs in the following engineering disciplines : Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Astronautical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Green Technologies, Health Systems Management, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, and Systems Architecting and Engineering.

  8. College of Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette (IN)
    Graduate and research programs are offered in the following disciplines of engineering : Aeronautics and Astronautics, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear Engineering.

    The schools offers a Masters programs in Construction Engineering and Management, Engineering Education and Engineering Professional Education.

  9. University of Michigan College of Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI
    Masters programs in Aerospace Engineering (AERO), Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences (AOSS), Biomedical Engineering (BME), Chemical Engineering (CHE), Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Industrial and Operations Engineering (IOE), Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) and Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences (NERS) are offered by Michigan Engineering.

  10. Cornell University College of Engineering (NY)
    The College of Engineering offers M.Eng. (Usually a 1 year program), Ph.D. (usually takes about 5 years), and M.S. (a 2 year degree program) degrees in the following departments : Applied and Engineering Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Materials Science and Engineering, Operations Research and Information Engineering, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Systems Engineering. The college is ranked among the top 10 in most of the departments in which they offer Masters programs.

  11. College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University (PA)

  12. University of Texas at Austin College of Engineering

  13. University of California, San Diego

  14. Texas A&M University at College Station

  15. University of Wisconsin at Madison

  16. School of Engineering and Applied Science, Princeton University (NJ)

  17. University of California School of Engineering and Applied Science at Los Angeles

  18. A James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland at College Park

  19. Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University (MA)

  20. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University (IL)

Related Categories - Schools, Colleges, Universities in other cities of the USA

Alabama Colleges, Alaska Universities, Arizona Colleges, Colleges in Arkansas, California Colleges, Colorado Universities, Connecticut Universities, Colleges in Delaware, Colleges in Florida, Colleges in Georgia, Colleges in Hawaii, Colleges in Idaho, Illinois Universities, Colleges in Indiana, Colleges in Iowa, Schools in Kansas, Kentucky Universities, Louisiana Universities, Colleges in Maine, Colleges in Maryland, Massachusetts Colleges, Michigan Universities, Colleges in Minnesota, Mississippi Universities, Colleges in Missouri, Montana Universities, Schools in Nebraska, Colleges in Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey Colleges, New Mexico Universities, New York Colleges, North Carolina Colleges, North Dakota Colleges, Colleges in Ohio, Oklahoma Universities, Colleges in Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island Colleges, South Carolina Colleges, South Dakota Colleges, Colleges in Tennessee, Universities in Texas, Universities in Utah, Universities in Vermont, Colleges in Virginia, Washington Colleges, Washington, D.C., West Virginia Colleges, Universities in Wisconsin, Universities in Wyoming.

Directories on Popular Tests

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Useful information for those who plan to take the Graduate Record Examination. Information on both the general test and the subject test.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Useful information on TOEFL, TOEFL preparation, online preparation sites, study material for TOEFL.
Test of Spoken English (TSE) Information on TSE, TSE preparation material, online TSE training, coaching classes.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Information on SAT, SAT training, online preparation courses for SAT, SAT coaching programs etc.,
Graduate Management Aptitude Test Information on GMAT, GMAT Preparation, GMAT Scores, online GMAT training and preparation resources.

Useful Links

Search Engines, Web Directories
Google Search Engine, Yahoo Search, Bing, DMOZ, Addresses and Phone Numbers, Map Quest, White Pages and Phone Number Lists, Yellow Pages, Calculator.

Newspapers and Magazines
Washington Post, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Economist, Far Eastern Economic Review, Strait Times, Time, Euromoney

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